Welding Projects

How to Make a Wooden Welding Cart for Two Machines

Garage Pak cart

It is well known that welding carts can get very expensive. Even if you do not buy a pre-made cart, the amount of metal needed to make one can get expensive. This project is made out of 3/4” plywood, making it much cheaper to source the necessary materials.

Wooden Weld Cart

Custom Welding Cart with drawers for the Lincoln Power MIG 210 and Square Wave TIG 200.

Sam Macy is a designer and YouTuber, he creates shadow boxes, custom frames, and artwork. Sam designed and created the wooden welding cart that we are showing off today. Take a look at his video below detailing what machines he is using as well as how he created the wooden cart. To see the process of how the cart is created skip to (5:00) into the video.

After Bakers saw his video, we reached out to Sam to see if he had any future plans, ideas, or improvements for the cart. Sam told us he plans to add larger casters, so the cart can be rolled around outside. Also, he plans to add a section to hold a gas canister. Doing that will have the added benefit of balancing out the cart, so both drawers with welders could be pulled out and it will remain balanced.

Wood Cart Drawers

If you decide to take a project like this on you can modify it to fit your needs. Whether you make the cart to hold a single machine or make it out of metal. Take a look at the video below for some more inspiration to build your cart. 

As you can see from the video, making a cart out of metal requires more equipment and time. If you are going for longevity and durability metal is the way to go. If you are looking for a project that does not require as much time or as many tools, go with wood. 

If you make either one of these carts or something like it be sure to tag Bakers Gas on Instagram! If you are looking to take on another welding project be sure to read our blog post about making metal storage shelves.


Evan Hohman

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